Without clicking on any of them, the two-sentence summaries below each link give me enough to get a sense of the word:'hard working,'and'diligent. ' 不需要点击其中任何一个网站,每个网站下的两句摘要就足以让我了解这个词的含义:“努力工作”和“勤奋”。
Link this consonant with the vowel of the next word. This is what we call liaison. 把这个辅音和后面的一个词的元音连起来读,这叫做连读。
The Agile Alliance has also appointed [ link to MS Word Document] a full time Managing Director, Phil Brock. 敏捷联盟还指定[此处为Word文档链接]了一位全职管理理事&PhilBrock。
Situations and Circumstances ── An Important Link in Word Teaching 话语环境与情景&英语词汇教学的重要一环
Mum said that there was a direct link from the brain to the written word that was just as strong as the light God has granted us. 妈妈说,把脑中的东西写下来会有强烈的心灵感应,上帝给了我们的。
When you click on a link you go to a pointer, which refers to a synset, rather than a word. 单击链接时进入一个指针,它指向一个同义词集,而不是某个单词。
The paper introduces the way for accessing, saving and modifying access information configured to acquire database access link word. 作者介绍了如何访问、保存、修改数据库访问配置信息的方法,以获取数据库访问链接字。
The Rationality and the Urgency of Link Writing for Chinese Word in Written Chinese and its Implement 书面汉语分词连写的合理性与紧迫性及其实现
Questions and Reflections on Link Writing for Chinese Word 中文分词连写的问题与对策
So the article explicates a method of dynamic database Link with reading and writing INI file in PB, at the same time, introduces technic of transforming from information in Datawindow to Word document in order to make makeup of documents adopting linking MS-Word. 本文阐述了一种PB下通过INI文件的读写实现数据库动态连接的方法,同时介绍了采用链接MS-Word的方法把数据窗口信息转换成Word文档实现公文排版的技术。
Of Microsoft Word that is familiarized by teachers, the software successfully achieves the DDE link between result tab. of the software and tab. of Microsoft Word. 为使输出结果显示在教师均熟悉的MicrosoftWORD表格上,以方便使用,软件成功地实现了计算与绘图成果界面与MicrosoftWORD表格之间的DDE链接。
The link patterns of different word classes are not the same in L2 mental lexicon. For paradigmatic and frame response, there is a significant difference among nouns, verbs and adjectives. For syntagmatic and clang-other responses, the significances are not found. 二语心理词汇中不同词类的联结模式是不一致的,对于聚合反应和框架反应,名词,动词和形容词之间有显著性差异;对于组合和语音反应,它们之间没有显著性差异。
Proposed an automatic SEs extraction method based on transformation and mapping: It firstly used link grammar and transformation for lower level semantic structure analysis of English, and through statistical word alignment to find the correspondence of the source language and the target language. 提出基于转换和映射的语义单元自动获取方法:利用链语法分析和转换实现英语的浅层语义结构分析,并且通过统计词语对齐找到双语的对应关系。
It is the primary key technical link in natural language processing. The current technology of Chinese word segmentation is working for Chinese text. 它是自然语言处理过程中首要的技术环节,其重要性不言而喻。目前的中文分词技术主要针对中文文本进行分词。
Based on the theory and practice of major innovations are: analysis the necessity and feasibility of link writing for Chinese word, puts forward the strategy of link writing for Chinese word: introduces Chinese input software for link writing for Chinese word. 本文在理论及实践上创新之处主要如下:分析了分词连写的必要性和可行性,提出了分词连写的对策:推行分词连写的中文输入软件。
System has import and export interface, and can link the word seamless, and can directly import system without modify, and can be derived from the system. 系统备有导入导出接口,能够与word无缝链接,实现无需修改就可以直接导入系统,并可以从系统中导出。
Chinese text automatic word segmentation technology is an important link of Chinese information processing, Chinese text automatic word segmentation algorithm for Chinese word segmentation are closely related to the performance of the system. 中文文本自动分词技术是中文信息处理的重要环节,中文文本自动分词算法与中文分词系统的性能紧密相关。
The Keyword Method exactly constructs an imagery link between the target word and the keyword. 关键词法就是创建了目标词和关键词的视觉关联。
Compatibility task is to refer to the link between the concept of words with the attribute word and assumptions implicit attitudes consistent with the incompatibility task is the opposite. 所谓相容性任务就是指概念词与属性词之间的联系与假设的内隐态度一致,不相容性任务则相反。